Sunday, February 26, 2012

Nova Center Public Night

A special thanks to all those who attended the WKU Physics Public Night at the Nondestructive Analysis (NOVA) Center. We had an awesome turnout with approximately 25 people! Dr. Edward Kintzel presented a PowerPoint demonstrating the unique capabilities of our instrument as well as previous images collected using our large chamber scanning electron microscope (LC-SEM). Attendees had the opportunity to peer into the large chamber through small windows and view the SEM in action! Previous samples such as coins, meteorites, impactites, fossils, brake rotors, a second generation ZR1 prototype engine block from Corvette, a bullet proof vest plate, and a Fresnel lens were all on display! Dr. Kintzel and I both thoroughly enjoyed all the eager questions and curious young minds! We hope everyone had a great time and look forward to answering any further questions or comments anyone may have!

Panoramic photo of everyone!

Above Image shows a panoramic image of the group listening to Dr. Edward Kintzel, the Director of the NOVA Center, as he delivered a presentation explaining the significance and exciting capabilities of the LC-SEM. Recent SEM images were also displayed.

If you have any additional photos you would like posted on the blog, pertaining to the public night, feel free to shoot Nova Girl an email at

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